
Contact us, if you are interested in bio-energy, marine renewable energyenergy systemsthe circular bioeconomy, or a pathway to net-zero.

By engaging with CASE, individuals and businesses can tap into a wealth of knowledge and resources to advance sustainable energy solutions, partner on innovative sustainable energy projects, and access cutting-edge research in renewable technologies, to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving sustainable energy field.

With a deep understanding of energy policy and regulation CASE can develop connections between research and the energy sector, fostering innovation and knowledge transfer and supporting sustainable energy challenges for business, industry, and civic society.


Martin Doherty
CASE Centre Director

[email protected]

Professor David Rooney
CASE Academic Director

[email protected]

Ian Marshall OBE
Head of Business Development and Policy

[email protected]

Dr Neil Harrison
Head of Operations and Strategy

[email protected]

Dr Simon Murray
Programme Manager

[email protected]

Kathryn Rogers
CASE Administration Officer
Tel: 028 9097 5577

Centre for Advanced Sustainable Energy (CASE)
David Keir Building,
Stranmillis Road,

Academic Portfolio

We provide links between industry and academia at Queen’s University Belfast, University of Ulster and the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute.

Academics with expertise in research in the sustainable energy sector can be found here

Governance : Our Board

The CASE Board is made up of individuals from Northern Ireland industry, one representative from each of the three research institutes and an independent Chair. The Board is responsible for the overall governance of CASE.