A Subhub for Scottish firm QED Naval, which will power tidal turbines in Orkney

Collaborative efforts to maximise opportunities in ocean energy development are bearing fruit for Northern Ireland’s manufacturing base. A partnership fostered through the Ocean Power Innovation Network (OPIN) has resulted in Belfast-based firm Cimpina securing the contract to manufacture a Subhub for Scottish firm QED Naval, which will power tidal turbines in Orkney. Read more about … Read more

People visiting South Africa as part of the EU World Cities project

CASE Director Sam McCloskey is one of a team of four from Belfast invited to participate in the EU World Cities project. Belfast is matched with eThekwini and a week long tour to South Africa in late March, taking in Johannesburg and Durban, highlighted a broad range of potential opportunities for collaboration in sustainable energy, … Read more

Invest NI Energy Storage Visit to Pittsburgh

CASE was represented at the recent Invest NI Energy Storage Visit to Pittsburgh, USA. Twelve local companies, Ulster University and CASE were linked with Pittsburgh based energy, legal, transport, artificial intelligence and cyber security companies to exchange learning experiences in the energy storage market. The week long trip also included visits to Pittsburgh University’s Energy … Read more

Screenshot from a video about CASE as a Competence Centre

Competence Centres offer companies an opportunity to develop new products, processes and services and bring them more quickly to global markets, as well as giving local businesses access to leading edge solutions and skills. The Centre for Advanced Sustainable Energy is one such Competence Centre and focuses on developing highly innovative technologies for the sustainable energy … Read more

The 3rd international EORCC (Engine Organic Rankine Cycle Consortium) workshop was held in Belfast at Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) on the14th to the 16th of September 2016.  An international workshop on Waste Heat Recovery (WHR) by ORC attended by 96 delegates from 59 companies and 15 countries from around the world and sponsored by Invest … Read more