The Bryden Centre PhD Programme – Fully Funded PhD Studentships in Renewable Energy

Installing solar panels

The Bryden Centre PhD studentships have been funded under the European Union’s INTERREG VA Programme. The Bryden Centre will create a ‘virtual centre of competence’ that will support industry-led applied/pre-commercial collaborative research on a cross-border, interregional basis that is focused on two specific forms of renewable energy:

  • Marine renewable energy; and
  • Bio-energy

The programme will offer a range of research opportunities in the key theme areas of Biofouling, Biofuels, Renewables and Environment (Resource, Interactions, Impact), Grid Storage and Techno-Economics.

We are seeking to recruit our first cohort of 20 or more students to commence their studies in September 2017; each of whom will work with industry to produce industrially relevant research with the potential for commercial exploitation and resulting economic growth within the INTERREG VA eligible region of Northern Ireland, Border Region of Ireland, and Western Scotland.

Find out further information on the Bryden Centre PhD opportunities